Thursday, April 2, 2009


Here are some terms, names and alternatives to help everyone use and understand our recipes perfectly.

the flower bud of young berry of a Mediterranean shrub pickled for use as a relish, fresh capers are picked and immediately preserved in brine or vinegar, or are packed in salt(these should be rinsed before use to remove any excess salt). Their tangy, bitter flavour adds piquancy to many sauces and condiments, such as tartare sauce, and they're a good match for fish. They can be used as a garnish for meat and vegetable dishes.
Caperberries are well developed capers, slightly larger and a little sweeter. They're often sold with the stalk left on and can be used in the same way as capers.

Thin French pancakes, served with sweet or savoury fillings or toppings.
If you invest in a proper crepe pan it can make life easier - it's a short-sided frying pan about 20cm/8in across. The non-stick versions are best.
Crepes can be served as soon as they're made but they can be pre-made. Layer each crepe between a sheet of greaseproof paper then wrap them in cling film and either store them in the fridge for use the next day. They freeze well, too, for up to a month.

a European herb related to carrot and widely grown for the crisp edible stems of its leaves.

Celery salt:
Celery seeds are ground with salt to make celery salt.

Celery seeds:
Dried seeds of celery, with a bitter taste. They're used in bread making and in egg and fish dishes.

Celery cabbage:
Chinese cabbage.

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